PRESS: Gamesforum appoints specialist Advisory Boards for 2024

PRESS: Gamesforum appoints specialist Advisory Boards for 2024 image
By Gamesforum Staff 10 January 2024

-  The User Acquisition Advisory Board consists of Gus Viegas, VP of Marketing at Cosmic Lounge, Claudia Trujillo, ASO Expert at Gameloft , Alex Kozachenko, CEO at Hyperbeard and David Philippson, CEO & Co-founder at Dataseat (now a part of Verve Group)

-  The Ad Monetization board consists of Otto Simola, Head of Game Economy at Fingersoft , Felix Braberg, Ad Monetization Consultant, Andy Ulery, Director of Publisher Sales at Moloco and Raymong Stauffer, Founder at PlayValve


10th January 2024 - London, UK: Gamesforum, the global and highly renowned platform and event series is levelling up in 2024, introducing two Advisory Boards to aid in content curation ahead of the full suite of globe-spanning events. Each board is focussed on its key subject - one for User Acquisition and another on Ad Monetisation.


The newly established Advisory Boards are composed of esteemed industry leaders and experts in their fields. Carefully selected to provide invaluable insights and guidance to Gamesforum and its diverse, knowledge-driven community, the focus of these boards will be to gain a deeper insight into the evolving challenges and opportunities in Ad Monetisation and User Acquisition. The Board will be advising the suite of content curated and presented across the world at Gamesforum’s upcoming series of events.


User Acquisition Advisory Board

UA is one of the key pillars of the Gamesforum platform that brings insightful and thought-provoking content fuelled by the dialogue of debate from professionals in the space. With the introduction of the User Acquisition Advisory Board, Gamesforum will further cement itself at the heart of the issues that really matter in the evolution of UA in the games industry, allowing for more impactful and valuable interactions and learning through its event content. 


With a focus on offering insights to attracting and retaining users, this board will delve into the latest trends, data analytics and marketing methodologies to empower the attendees at Gamesforum events throughout 2024. 


The  Advisory Board consists of leading figures in the mobile games industry:



Gus Viegas, VP of Marketing at Cosmic Lounge said of joining the Advisory Board: “Gamesforum seems to attract some of the brightest minds that are hungry to learn and share. I don't think there is a better place to get your deep UA or Admon questions answered."


Alex Kozachenko, CEO at Hyperbeard added: “When I was asked to join the Gameforum Advisory Board, it was a no brainer! The way they have brought together the tracks of organic & paid UA, monetization and retention in such a seamless manner is amazing. Furthermore, they do a great job of balancing “what's working now" with "future trends" to provide a functional roadmap of things to work on for any mobile game developer. I look forward to providing my insights and experience with, especially, organic UA to push the conference track even further.”


Ad Monetization Advisory Board

Ad Monetization is constantly evolving in the  mobile games industry, and a constant topic for debate for many publishers and developers operating in the space. Gamesforum has put together an elite team of Ad Monetization professionals to advise on the upcoming events throughout the next 12 months.


With Ad Monetization as a critical issue for a vast proportion of the games industry Gamesforum recognises the importance of guidance from those intrinsically involved in the sector. As well as this, Gamesforum recognises this guidance as a catalyst to improve the events series going forward. 


The Ad Monetization Advisory Board consists of:

  • Otto Simola, Head of Game Economy at Fingersoft 
  • Felix Braberg, Ad Monetization Consultant
  • Andy Ulery, Director of Publisher Sales at Moloco
  • Raymong Stauffer, Founder at PlayValve


Otto Simola, Head of Game Economy at Fingersoft said: "I'm really looking forward to joining the talented people in the Gamesforum Advisory Board. The work that we do is quite unique in my opinion and it's not always easy to find people to have peer discussions and support. This is a great opportunity for me to learn and share my knowledge on ad monetisation.

I've enjoyed the Gamesforum events a lot in the past couple of years. The event is relatively compact in size but when focusing on topics around ad mon and UA, it does not matter who you meet at the event, we always get into meaningful and interesting discussions."


Recognising the power and potential of the thriving mobile games market, Gamesforum is renowned for its quality-first approach to event content, for experts and built by experts.


John Speakman, CEO at Gamesforum said: We want 2024 to be our best year yet at Gamesforum, and by bringing on board our fantastic new Advisory Boards - we believe it will be just that. 


Having a strong team is crucial to bringing a series of events like this to life.  Offering talks and panel discussions that those involved in these sectors will gain something of true value from is incredibly important to us.


With the  Advisory Boards standing by to share insights and guidance on what content they believe is going to be relevant in 2024, we can’t wait to get started for what is shaping up to be a big year for the mobile games industry.”


Gamesforum’s globe-spanning events series kicks off in Barcelona from the 7th-8th of February 2024. Learn more about Gamesforum Barcelona here: 


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