Ironsource opens LevelPlay to all game developers    

Ironsource opens LevelPlay to all game developers     image
By Gamesforum Staff 5 October 2020

By Gamesforum Staff

Leading monetization and marketing companyIronsource has announced that it’s LevelPlay in app bidding platform will be available to all developers. The platform was previously available to selected developer.

Nimrod Zuta, VP Product at Ironsource said, “This is a really exciting step towards truly democratizing access to in-app bidding. With this latest update, any developer, no matter their size, will get equal access to the most robust in-app bidding technology available in the market, along with access to premium demand sources like Facebook Audience Network.”

As of October 1st, developers will be able to download the SDK and implement in app bidding for major add units such as rewarded video and interstitials. “It’s clear that in-app bidding is fast becoming the industry standard for monetization, and we’re proud to lead that transition,” continues Zuta. “Today, 50% of our mediation impressions are running through an in-app bidding environment, an important milestone which signifies just how impactful bidding can be for in-app monetization. Opening up our platform for all developers to utilize the benefits of in-app bidding will no doubt further propel this growth.”.


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