Adverty announce upcoming partnership with Inmobi

Adverty announce upcoming partnership with Inmobi image
By Gamesforum Staff 16 December 2020

Adverty, the in-game advertising platform has announced an upcoming partnership with Indian based mobile ad-tech company Inmobi. The partnership is due to launch in Q1 2021.

Adverty delivers unobtrusive advertising which connects brands and audiences through its revolutionary and patented technology built specifically for gaming, while InMobi's industry leading mobile marketing technology is connected to every relevant programmatic DSP allowing advertisers and publishers to engage consumers through contextual mobile advertising. The partnership will allow its buy-side clients to access innovative formats in mobile games at scale within Adverty's platform.

Commenting on the partnership, Adverty CEO, Niklas Bakos said "There is significant demand for Adverty's seamless in-game inventory at scale and this development enables our team to bring it to a wider range of brands and agencies, advertisers are certainly waking up to the untapped potential of this burgeoning media channel."

David Di Angelo, VP of Marketplace Development at InMobi added, "with this new partnership with Adverty, InMobi is able to provide even more opportunities for brands to effectively reach and engage with premium gaming audiences through non-intrusive in-game ads that blend seamlessly into the gaming experience."

The announcement is further evidence of the growing trend towards in-game advertising in mobile games.

By Gamesforum Staff


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