Welcome to Gamesforum 2.0

Dear Gamesforum Community,
We’ve been in stealth mode since Gamesforum Seattle 2018 and we’ve got some new exciting developments to tell you about.
Our Vision
Gamesforum will become the leading global games industry space both online and offline for the games community to share forward thinking ideas, meet best practice business partners and help genius games developers continue to build successful and profitable games businesses.
So, what’s new in 2019?
- We’ll be introducing our new Gamesforum Online where people with strong opinions and product updates will be given a platform to share content with our global network of games industry professionals. Our goal is not to become a news website dedicated to getting games news to the industry first but to become a meeting point where new ideas, revisionist views and leading opinion comes together online.
- We’ll also be bringing in exceptional new talent to add to the creative voice of Gamesforum both online and on our events team.
- Our events series will step-up another level. We’ll be back in Seattle, October 22-23rd with the Gamesforum conference team bringing you the best of our yearly content from the leading minds in the industry ahead of a brand-new calendar in 2020.
- We’ll also be running smaller meet-ups called the Gamesforum Laser Series throughout the year in conjunction with our partners at locations near you focusing on single topics issues.
- Meet us throughout the year – we’ll be heading to industry events to meet with the best and brightest. Next Stop GDC 2019!
How do I get Involved?
We want you to get involved with Gamesforum this year and here’s how:
- If you’d like to submit a content piece to Gamesforum Online to share with the worldwide Gamesforum Community email: [email protected]
- If you’d like to partner with the Gamesforum Laser Series and co-host a meet-up in either North America or Europe, email [email protected] and our team will be delighted to speak and discuss plans.
- Speaking at Gamesforum Seattle – if you’d like to submit a talk for Gamesforum Seattle, email [email protected] with your talk title and synopsis.
- Sponsoring a Gamesforum event - our Worldwide Business Development team would be delighted to speak with you, please email [email protected]
On behalf of the whole team, I’d like to welcome you to the new Gamesforum, and we look forward to meeting and speaking with you throughout the year.
Best Regards,
John Speakman