Gamesforum Exclusive - Scalarr Report: The Ultimate Guide to App-Install Fraud Types

Scalarr have given the Gamesforum Community an exclusive first look at their “Ultimate guide to App-Install Fraud Types.”
A few days ago, Scalarr released its very first report “The Ultimate Guide to App-Install Fraud Types”, providing an inside look into the user acquisition and mobile ad fraud benchmarks & trends observed in 2018 across all known current fraud types, attack vectors and ways to protect yourself.
App install fraud is not a new phenomenon in the app install market, but for mobile marketers it is a big issue. One most notable insight was the growth of the share of fraudulent installs in mobile apps - an increase of over 18% in only one year, affecting 15% of all marketing-driven installs.
Having worked on fraud detection for more than two years already, Scalarr has seen unprecedented growth and evolution of fraud throughout all app categories. While some of this increase is probably attributed to active digitalization of eCommerce and other B2C spheres, it is clear the mobile app industry is still more vulnerable to fraud and requires enhanced protection.
Since around 70% of mobile marketers are not aware of new advanced types of fraud, Scalarr decided to create The Ultimate Guide to Mobile Fraud Types with an aim to review all existing types of fraud in detail. In this report, the company combined information about 10 main types of fraud by sorting it into two groups: Classic Mobile Ad Fraud Types and The New Face of Mobile Ad Fraud.
Other highlights include:
- How a growing number of fraudulent activities could result in $4,6 billion of losses in 2018;
- The average CPI of a fraudulent install was up to 137% higher than a genuine one;
- Smart bots are the biggest fraud category in 2018, responsible for 21,5% of all fraud cases;
- In 2018, only 15% of all analyzed apps had less than 10% fraud, and 38% had over 30% fraudulent installs.
- Mixed fraud was the fastest growing fraud category during the first three quarters of 2018 and now result in 15,3% of all fraud cases.
Aside from the description and main features of every type of fraud, this guide gives you an in-depth look at the actionable best practices of how to deal with both classic and new modified fraud types.
Download the report to understand how you can stop the mobile ad fraud, start driving user acquisition at a new level and scale you ROI.
Disclosure: Scalarr are sponsors of Gamesforum Seattle and will be participating on a panel at Gamesforum Seattle (23-24 October 2018). Register for your pass to Gamesforum Seattle here