Remerge’s Mobile Privacy Newsroom Helps Marketers Navigate the Latest Privacy Regulations

Remerge’s Mobile Privacy Newsroom Helps Marketers Navigate the Latest Privacy Regulations image
By Guest Author 19 January 2024

Intense pressure from consumers and regulators is changing how mobile businesses work with users’ in-app data.

As part of this industry shift, Apple unveiled its App Tracking Transparency framework (ATT) in 2021, while Google is currently building a privacy-centric ad framework called the Android Privacy Sandbox.

In-app advertising remains a lucrative channel for advertisers, however, they must now adapt their strategies to achieve better returns on their ad spend.

Remerge is among the few DSPs playing an active role in shaping the future of privacy-first advertising. The company is collaborating with Google, AppsFlyer and its clientele of advertisers to build and test the tools needed to run mobile marketing campaigns in this new age privacy regulation. 

To help marketers understand the latest developments, Remerge launched the Mobile Privacy Newsroom – a dedicated resource covering:

  • The progress of Remerge’s work on the Android Privacy Sandbox
  • Updates on Apple’s ATT framework and SKAdnetwork
  • Strategic insights from advertisers navigating the privacy-first era

Visit the Mobile Privacy Newsroom now.


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