Rebecca Caulkins on UA: User Research, KPIs & Speaking at Seattle

Rebecca Caulkins on UA: User Research, KPIs & Speaking at Seattle image
By Josh Vowles 11 October 2022

Last week Gamesforum was joined by Rebecca Caulkins, UA Specialist at Pixelberry Studios and an expert panellist at Gamesforum Seattle! We discussed all things mobile marketing. Read on for more!


Tell us a bit about your role with Pixelberry Studios! What does a typical workday look like for Rebecca

I am a User Acquisition Specialist at Pixelberry Studios. My day is taken up primarily by looking at numbers. I check our spending, revenue, KPIs, high-performing creatives, etc. I then make adjustments as necessary. I always take time in the day to read through different articles about the industry. I join in on creative team meetings to help brainstorm for new ads and join our community team meetings to discover new ways to chase the ever-changing trends of social media. I also find some time to send memes to my coworkers


How did you come to work in the mobile games industry?

Like most people in the mobile game industry, I luckily stumbled upon it. I have always loved gaming, maybe a little too much. So when I found this opportunity to join a creative, fun, and partly women-led gaming company, I couldn't resist applying!


What is your favourite mobile game?

Choices of course! I also love Stardew Valley, Call of Duty mobile, and Sneaky Sasquatch.


Are you an AM or PM person?

I am definitely an AM person! I love the night time but I take measures to make sure I have the most energy in the morning so I can lay around at night and relax.


In your role with Pixelberry Studios, how are you adapting to stay ahead in this increasingly competitive landscape?

Our team at Pixelberry is constantly reading articles, books, and listening to podcasts about the industry. I think it's essential to not only rely on your internal team knowledge but to also look to others in the market for new findings. We are in an extraordinarily fast-paced space so testing new features, advertising channels, and creatives is imperative to keeping up with the competitive market.


We have seen a lot of market consolidation recently with Unity x ironSource (and AppLovin), Miniclip x SYBO. What are your thoughts on these mergers? How is it shaping the industry?

Consolidation overall is great for the market. With the Unity and Ironsource merger specifically, since they are both openly traded companies, I suspect we will see a great advancement of technology and resources in the entire gaming sector coming from the pair. It is a very exciting time to be on the Ad buying side of the industry, as mobile gaming moves further down the consolation curve more innovation, operational efficiency, and products will come of it. I am personally very eager to see what type of media placements will emerge from the interconnected virtual economies that Unity, Epic Games, and Roblox Corporation are rapidly growing.


On the other side of the coin, what advice would you have for a small or start-up company in defining a UA campaign?

For a small start-up I would suggest really spending time researching your audience. Find out what aspects of culture your audience aligns with and advertise your product in a way that shows them that what you're offering can fit into their perception of themselves. Once you have a general idea of who your audience is, focus on DAU growth, build a stable engaged fan base, and then start A/B testing constantly within that group and really listening to what those metrics show you. Lean on the larger social media platforms at the beginning for UA growth and then expand to different channels from there.


You will be joining our UA managers panel at Gamesforum Seattle, what can we expect to hear from you? What trends do you look forward to exploring?

You will hear me talking about the future of mobile gaming, younger generational buying trends, advertising road blockers, and how to overcome them!


What are you most looking forward to at Gamesforum Seattle?

I am most looking forward to learning from others in the industry. I know we have some very curious and thoughtful people joining this year and I can't wait to hear their insights.


Speaking of Seattle, do you have any hot spots to eat, drink or visit in the city?

This will actually be my first time in Seattle. I am open to any recommendations of things to see while I am there!


Want to hear more from Rebecca? Join her at Gamesforum Seattle! Don't forget to save your seat and register here!


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