Gamesforum Meets: Summer Liu, CMO, Sociapeta

Gamesforum Meets: Summer Liu, CMO, Sociapeta image
By Josh Vowles 30 May 2024

SocialPeta CMO Summer Liu joins Josh to breakdown using creatives to stay ahead of the market, effectively using ad intelligence dashboards to inform creative decision and a love for simulation and decoration games.

Josh: Thanks for joining me Summer! Can you quickly introduce yourself?

Sure, thank you. It’s a great honor to participate in Gamesforum. I have worked in this business for more than one decade.

My previous job was at Domob, it was the first mobile advertising ad network in China, also where I came into contact with mobile advertising business and industry.

Josh: How did you come to work in creative marketing?

It’s an interesting question. Domob was the first Facebook marketing partner in China, at that time, there were few creative analysis tools. Meanwhile, we ran lots of campaigns for gaming clients. We realized the fact that creatives could contribute huge effects on marketing performance for social media.

Josh: Share a bit more about SocialPeta, what is your MO?

SocialPeta is a marketing saas specializing in ad intelligence. We have existed for more than 8 years. SocialPeta possesses over 1.6 billion ads on 40 networks. We have the best data coverage and updating efficiency, also dimensions to support creative evaluation. Most of our users are campaign managers and creative designers.

The lifespan of creatives is getting shorter and shorter. Maintaining advertising performance could be very challenging. SocialPeta’s Mission Statement is the best intelligence tool providing enormous quantities of creative inspirations and analysis to help you achieve scale-up goals quickly. In this way, it can solve this difficulty properly.

Josh: How critical is ad intelligence to UA and creative marketers in 2024?

From our dashboard, we see more and more new advertisers start campaigns. According to SocialPeta, the proportion of new creative ads took over 74% in the first quarter of 2024.

So the real challenge is you need to use good inspirations to catch players’ eyes. Meanwhile, the very historical product needs to keep good content to maintain players.

Josh: What advice do you have for marketing teams looking to stay ahead of the competition with their marketing strategy?

To start with, keeping an eye on marketing trends is crucial. The industry evolves rapidly, and staying updated is essential. Firstly, choosing some data insight tools can enhance market strategies. For instance, SocialPeta is an excellent tool for the whole marketing team. It provides information on top advertisers, the latest creative elements, suitable marketing strategies, and more. Additionally, there are other interesting tools on the market. Recently, I came across a product called Denote, an ad creative management collaboration tool for TikTok and Facebook libraries, which is also quite fascinating.

Secondly, being an AI expert is crucial. You see, no matter if you want to organize analytical data for your marketing results or you want to generate a video to do A/B tests quickly, AI tools can improve your efficiency, especially AIGC tools can lower the benchmark for newcomers making videos on their own.

Josh: What kind of creatives are your partners finding the most success with at the moment?

UGC ads, mini game ads.

Josh: How closely are creative marketers working with data teams in 2024?

No marketers have the guts to say they can conduct their job well without data teams. As far as I see, marketers are collaborating more with data teams to figure out the optimization direction of their campaigns.

Josh: Great to have you joining us on our Ad Creative Panel at GF Hamburg! What can our audience expect to hear from you?

Well, I will share some insights we observed from our dashboard recently.

Josh: Final question, what is your go to mobile game?

Ha, Hopescapes, I am a huge fan of simulation and decoration games.

Josh: Thanks Summer for your time and insights on Socialpeta and creative marketing. See you soon! 

You can hear more from Summer at Gamesforum Hamburg!


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