Gamesforum Meets: Matej Lancaric, UA Consultant & Co-founder, two & a half gamers

Gamesforum Meets: Matej Lancaric, UA Consultant & Co-founder, two & a half gamers image
By Josh Vowles 21 February 2024

Josh: Hi Matej thanks for joining us! Tell us a bit more about yourself, who are you and what do you do?

Matej: Let me briefly introduce myself, and I have been in the games industry for ten years. I am a true mobile marketing enthusiast currently working as a UA consultant. I develop multi-channel acquisition strategies and marketing campaigns designed to drive our partners' overall growth. I have been helping several talented developers across the globe with multi-channel user acquisition strategies, soft launch and global launch planning, and general marketing/business advisory for more than eight years.

In my career, I globally launched 40 games while spending ~42 Million EUR profitably at

I am the host of the no bullshit gaming show – two & a half gamers and founder of the Brutally Honest newsletter!

Josh: How did you get started working in UA and mobile marketing?

Matej: I started my career in one small marketing agency in Slovakia and after 9 months of learning and working, I was headhunted to Pixel Federation by their CMO. We were former CS 1.6 teammates so we already knew each other quite well. They needed someone to handle Google Adwords (yep, it was called like that back in the day) for Trainstation. Didn’t hesitate to join!

Josh: Let’s talk mobile games… What is your all-time favourite mobile game?

Matej: I think all time favourite would be Homescapes. I played that game like a crack addict.

Josh: What is the most impressive game you have reviewed on two & a half gamers?

Matej: I think it would be My perfect hotel or Block Jam 3D. Both games grew like a wildfire with interesting marketing twists.

Josh: Can you share 3 of your top tips for UA in 2024? How should UA managers be preparing?

Matej: We saw quite a shit show in UA in 2023. I don’t think that many things will change in 2024. I already shared my top 3 life changing tips on one of our last podcasts. Go check it out! Spoiler alert, it’s a lot about creatives!

Josh: What is the most common mistake advertisers make when developing their creative strategy?

Matej: I think people usually lack a creative depth. Not having enough net new creative concepts per month should be considered as a crime. You need to have at least 5-8 new concepts per month even on monthly budget of 100k.

Josh: There is a lot of talk about AI and its relationship with UA and creative at conferences and webinars. But, what is your advice for UA managers in adapting to AI’s presence in mobile marketing?

Matej: Don’t listen to anyone. Start experimenting ASAP with tools like midjourney, elevenlabs or synthesia. It can significantly improve your efficiency and creative workflow.

Josh: This year at Gamesforum Barcelona you went uncensored on our Gamesforum Unfiltered: UA panel, what did out audience hear from you?

Matej: Absolute, flamboyant & brutal honesty! As usual.

Josh: Final question, I love unicorns don’t get me wrong, but is there a reason behind them being the face of your personal brand?

Matej: Let me revert the question to you. Have you ever seen anything more bizarre than a dancing unicorn?

I can safely say I have not.. You can checkout two & a half gamers live podcast from Gamesforum Barcelona 


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