Gamesforum Meets: Gary Danks, GM for AIM, Kochava

Gamesforum Meets: Gary Danks, GM for AIM, Kochava image
By Josh Vowles 26 January 2024
  • Hi Gary, thanks for joining us! Can you tell us who you are and what do you do?

My name is Gary Danks, and I am the General Manager for the AIM (Always-On Incremental Measurement) product by Kochava, the leading real-time data solutions company for omni-channel attribution and measurement in adtech.

  • Tell us more about your journey in mobile gaming so far!

I have been involved in mobile advertising and marketing for the past 20 years, working with various prominent companies in the industry. My experience includes supporting numerous gaming companies in different aspects of their marketing and user acquisition activities. I was the founder and CEO of Machine Advertising, a business specializing in detecting fraudulent and invalid inventory. We collaborated with several gaming clients, including well-known names like Zynga, King, and Pocket Gems, among many others

  • Let’s quickly take a look at your work before Kochava creating Machine. How did Machine work to tackle fraudulent installs?

At Machine, we had what we considered the most sophisticated system in the industry, now integrated into Kochava. At a very high level, we analyzed every impression, click, install, and in-app event individually. This approach was quite different from the methodologies used by most MMPs, who typically employ a more simplistic, rule-based method with thresholds to detect fraud. Our system conducted a forensic analysis of each individual impression, click, install, and in-app event. This provided both the advertisers and suppliers with comprehensive information and evidence to effectively resolve any issues related to fraud.

  • Since being acquired by Kochava in February 2023, how is AIM bolstering your advertising partners capabilities in acquiring new users?

The AIM product was launched in mid-2023, and we are now beginning to see our advertising clients reap fantastic results. In the early stages, the most common outcome advertisers experience is enhanced efficiency in their marketing and user acquisition investments. Simply put, they achieve more acquisitions for the same budget. The immediate benefit is greater efficiency in the market, along with deeper insights that enrich user acquisition strategies.

  • What are the greatest challenges facing mobile advertisers in 2024?

The greatest challenge facing mobile advertisers in 2024 is quite straightforward: it's the signal loss from last touch attribution, primarily due to the evolving privacy landscape. Apple's privacy manifesto and Google's Privacy Sandbox are major contributors. Gaming advertisers, in particular, are experiencing increased signal loss, a trend that is expected to continue through 2024.

  • How are UA teams overcoming market changes and competition using MMM?

Speaking from our perspective and based on what we're observing with our clients, it's important to note that Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) is still relatively new in its adoption for user acquisition. However, what we are witnessing in the market is UA teams utilizing these insights to enhance their future strategies. An effective marketing mix model provides accurate forecasts, recommendations for optimizations, and introduces new tools. For instance, consider dynamic cost curves which illustrate points of diminishing returns, enabling marketers to adjust their investments and avoid overspending in certain channels and, more importantly, underspending in others. It's going to provide a different perspective that is crucial for optimizing marketing strategies in today's dynamic environment.

  • What can our audience expect to hear from you and Alfonso at Gamesforum Barcelona?

In our panel session at Gamesforum Barcelona, which focuses on Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) and its use in user acquisition, the audience can expect a comprehensive understanding of MMM. We will discuss what it entails, the data inputs it requires, and how clients can begin integrating MMM into their strategies. Additionally, we'll cover the outputs of this data, including the actionable insights clients can derive and the types of performance improvements they can expect, especially in the early stages of adopting a marketing mix model. This session aims to provide a clear view of the potential and practicalities of MMM in modern user acquisition.

  • What are you most excited about at Gamesforum Barcelona?

I'm always enthusiastic about speaking with gaming clients. Having worked with a broad range of clients in the industry for two decades, I find the gaming vertical, particularly in the domain of user acquisition, to be more sophisticated and knowledgeable than other industries. This sophistication is evident in their understanding of market dynamics. Gamesforum Barcelona presents a fantastic opportunity for knowledge sharing with peers and hearing diverse perspectives from various gaming companies across different sizes and geographies. It's an ideal setting to network and discuss industry trends and challenges with a well-informed audience.

  • The last question is possibly the hardest, hypothetically the Gamesforum team play a song as you walk on stage in Barcelona. What song plays for you?

That's an easy one: 'Hey Boy Hey Girl' by The Chemical Brothers.

You can hear more from Gary and the Kochava team at Gamesforum Barcelona!


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