Gamesforum Meets: Florian Elmies, Co-founder, Gamelight

Gamesforum Meets: Florian Elmies, Co-founder, Gamelight image
By Josh Vowles 3 June 2024

Hi Florian, thanks for joining us! Can you briefly introduce yourself?

Hello, it's great to be speaking with you! I'm Florian Elmies, co-founder of user acquisition and rewarded marketing platform Gamelight and app publisher catbyte.

Talk to us about your journey in mobile gaming so far.

I started in apps and mobile gaming already during my studies when I got my first job in web and app development. I've always had a passion for games, which naturally led me towards mobile gaming and, eventually, apps in general. This interest allowed me to blend my technical skills with something I truly enjoy.

Together with my co-founder Günay Aliyeva, who, from her own experiences, also saw a need to improve how user acquisition is done within mobile gaming, we wanted to try our hands at relying on AI-driven decision-making to make this happen.

Today, Gamelight stands as the largest rewarded marketing platform, and I'm proud of how we've managed to scale and impact the mobile gaming industry positively. However, we are still in the early stages of our journey and are excited to share new developments soon. 

What is your go-to mobile game?

I actually play and check out a lot of different mobile games all the time. If I had to name just a few, I would say games like Royal Match and Genies & Gems held my attention for the longest time.

What is Gamelight?

Gamelight is a platform that changes how games connect with their users. I see Gamelight as a link between developers and their audiences. We become this link by analysing real-time data, like how users interact with apps, their demographics, and behaviour patterns. Which then recommends suitable games for the player based on their preferences, connecting gamers with games that resonate with them. Plus, our platform adds reward systems directly into the user experience, encouraging people to stay engaged and keep using the game, which particularly helps for games with a more difficult early funnel. This approach benefits both users, who get rewarded for playing games they love and developers, who gain a dedicated user base. 

What impact does rewarded traffic have on the quality of users advertisers are acquiring? 

Our rewarded traffic has a positive impact on the quality of users that we deliver to our advertisers. When users receive rewards for trying new apps, they are often more interested and engaged to continue playing. This means they are more likely to use the app regularly. One of our recent case studies showed that users who reached their first reward milestone are also more likely to stick around until their second reward, engaging with the game for a longer period. In Q1 of 2024, we gave out gift cards totalling $20,000,000, demonstrating that many users are willing to try a new game and continue engaging with the title over time.

However, it’s important to do it right. At Gamelight, we focus on making sure to offer attractive rewards and that the games being recommended are relevant to the users. This helps attract users who are genuinely interested in the app, leading to better retention and higher lifetime value. 

And the impacts on retention for those users?

Rewarded marketing platforms can act like an additional communication channel for mobile apps & games. If your game has already lost the user, but the rewarded platform still has the user, there is also the chance to bring back that same user again if done correctly by offering the user additional challenges to complete within the game. This is a big advantage over other user acquisition sources when it comes to long-term quality and long-term retention.

What do you see as the defining challenges in mobile gaming in 2024?

In 2024, the biggest challenges in mobile gaming will continuously be user retention and monetization. With so many apps competing for attention, keeping users engaged for long term is tough. Developers need to find innovative ways to maintain interest and loyalty. Additionally, balancing monetization without disrupting the user experience is crucial. Privacy concerns and data regulations are also growing, making it harder to personalise ads and rewards effectively. Adapting to these challenges requires a combination of advanced technology, creative strategies, and a deep understanding of user behaviour.

Great to have the team joining us in Hamburg! What are you most excited for at the event?

We're really excited to be at Gamesforum Hamburg, especially since it's in our home city. I'm mostly looking forward to connecting with other industry professionals and sharing insights and ideas. I'm also excited about the discussions and panels, as they always provide valuable perspectives.

As Hamburg locals, what bars, restaurants and attractions do you suggest our out of town guests visit? 

As Hamburg locals, we have a few favourite spots we recommend. For breakfast, you should try Compton’s – they have great options to start your day right. For lunch, Goa Zone offers delicious Indian cuisine, and Green Table is perfect if you enjoy Asian cuisine. If you are looking for something healthy and fresh, I would recommend dean&david. All of those locations have great vegan and vegetarian options.

When it comes to drinks, BrewDog is a great spot for craft beer lovers. But if you are seeking out a more lively night out, the Reeperbahn offers a broad selection of bars, clubs and live music venues. 

For something unique, don't miss the Hidden in Hamburg escape game by the harbour inside the ship Cap San Diego. It's an exciting activity that adds a bit of adventure to your visit. And while at the harbour you should also make sure to check out Elbphilharmonie either from below or from the hall’s observation deck for a full view of the city. We hope you have a fantastic time in Hamburg!


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