Gamesforum Meets: Diego Díaz Pérez, Head of Product, WeeWoo

Gamesforum Meets: Diego Díaz Pérez, Head of Product, WeeWoo image
By Josh Vowles 29 May 2023

Josh Vowles: Hi Diego. Can you tell us a bit about yourself? Who are you and what do you do?

Diego Diaz: Thank you first for hosting me here in in the interview for Gamesforum. I'm really happy to be here.

I'm Diego. I am head of product here in WeeWoo. In my background, I found my own company in the mobile gaming industry. I found my company in more or less five, six years ago. We were acquired by Genera Games and that, right now it's acquired by Scopely.

In the beginning of my career, I started learning a lot regarding product game design, monetization, and, and of course ad mon and ua.

When we sold the company to Genera, I started with my first external job I worked by for Super Scale  for more or less one year. In this work, I changed a lot. I worked as a consultant, game designer, monetization consultant for big clients, like for example Electronic Arts or Finger soft, this kind of client.

In my working at Super Scale, I learned a lot about how to be really, really focused in the little details to improve the LTV in games, in mobile gaming.

And right now my adventure continues with WeeWoo, it is a big publisher that we have to manage a lot of games like 200 right now in the portfolio we have, it's completely different than that when working in Super Scale because here the challenge is to try to create a process to make a standard optimization of in the mobile gaming to improve the LTV and to work with a small team with a lot of products. This is a big challenge. We know and we are doing things I think that the people is not doing. We changed the mindset. We don’t want to have a super hit in the market. We want to try to improve all the portfolio in the horizonal side.

Josh Vowles: Can you tell us a little bit more about your role with WeeWoo?

Diego Diaz: My role in WeeWoo is head of product. My responsibility is about the older portfolio in WeeWoo. When we manage a new game in the portfolio my first part of my work is try to understand, try to see opportunities to improve. Because the games that come here come already done mostly in the LiveOp phase, more or less.

And my role and my team, we try to, to discover new opportunities to improve mostly the LTV. Obviously we work to improve the engagement and improve other part of the game. But we are really focused in monetization.

In my team we have two parts. One is more focused in product, like new mechanics, analysing of the competitors and try to bring new ideas, fresh ideas to our portfolio. The other parts more focused in ad mon, like waterfall management, contact with the ad networks and this kind of work. Right now I manage five people in the team. I try to do the best for all of them. One of the parts of my work is to try to teach and mentor all the parts of the team and organise everything.

Josh Vowles: When you are not optimizing games at WeeWoo what can people find you doing? What are your hobbies?

Diego Diaz: Okay, this is a really good question. I'm really an active person, to be honest. I work out a lot I love it. I also love my work, this is one of my hobbies to be honest, but in, in the other side I'm really a sports man.

I practice other things here and there. For example, CrossFit or hiking. I like to, to hang out with my friends.

Although, of my hobbies too, I like to travel around the world. I love travelling. I try to discover every year some country that I've never been. And of course one of the thing that's open my, my possibilities to do it is to attend conferences, meeting new people and try to get relationship with them to discover more things. This is my personality. I think it's part of my personality.

Josh Vowles: When it comes to your work, what does the relationship look like with the growth monetization team?

Diego Diaz: Hmm, good question. I think in my opinion, the UA side and ad mon and product side needs to really work together. In WeeWoo our way to work is we have an ad mon specialist. We divided the team in squads. Through this organisation it means like one squad has the responsibility of one part of the portfolio.

Like imagine like 20 or 30 games that have some similarities between them, the product is like the central part of the squad and centralises all the operation in UA and admin.

I'm going to put an example because maybe it's not exactly consistent. I think that when, for example, we try to improve new things in the game, we put together ideas in user acquisition for the advertising part, for example, TikTok, social media and so on. The ad mon team try to improve the design of placement in the system and in the product we try to explain what is the objective of the mechanic of the system. Like we try to improve, for example battle pass in the game. We can make placement in this parts, we can invest more in this countries because maybe this feature improve the game and the LTV, in the approaches and so on. And this is really where we join together work for all the departments in this. We are in the middle and this is the way that we work here in WeeWoo.

Josh Vowles: As one of our expert speakers at Gamesforum Hamburg, what can our audience expect to hear from your panel?

Diego Diaz: I've been several times to Gamesforum. I think this will be the third or fourth time. I always have a really good time to be honest, because it's a middle size conference that you can reach all the people really easy. This is one of the points that I love. It is my first thing I expect, you can reach out with the different ad networks, with the different partners in the monetization and in the user acquisition part too. You can try to get new connections regarding, for example agencies or people that we can offer services to advertise or maybe new network that we don't know yet. This is the thing that's obviously the first expectation regarding the conference and the sharing knowledge part of the panels and speakers and so on. We always trying to, to see new fresh innovation and new ways to monetize this is always good too.

And regarding my personal panel about the ad mon and ua, I will try to explain everything that I have in my experience. The work we do here in WeeWoo is maybe not the standard way to do it, but we can bring some value through that. Especially when it comes to the way to join forces regarding different departments. And we are in the middle of all this as the product team. And this is could be interesting to share some examples or case studies of what we have discovered here in WeeWoo and bring value for the audience.

Josh Vowles: Awesome! Thank you for joining me Diego.


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