Gamesforum Meets: Cecilia Luna, Influencer & PR Manager, Bytro

Gamesforum Meets: Cecilia Luna, Influencer & PR Manager, Bytro image
By Josh Vowles 16 January 2024

     Q. Thanks for joining us Cecilia! Can you introduce yourself, who are you and what do you do!

I’m Cecilia Luna, I was born and raised in Monterrey, Mexico. In 2019 I packed my bags and moved to Hamburg, and I’ve been working at Bytro since. Before I used to work at a startup accelerator, but now I can’t see myself working outside the gaming industry.

I’ve done a few things in the company but currently I’m focusing on Influencer Marketing and Public Relations.

     Q. What is your go to mobile game?

I am a sucker for hyper-casual puzzle game, specially in seasons where I get to travel and I’m looking to kill time. Right now I’m (re)obsessed with Tetris. I close my eyes and I swear I can see the shapes falling intro place.

     Q. How did you start your journey working in gaming?

Bytro is my first job in the industry. When I was looking for a job in Hamburg I was not paying much attention to the industry itself, but to what was the company doing it and how it was doing it. And Bytro seem like a place where everyone was super passionate about what they were doing, and they were having a blast while doing it. It was after starting there that I realised how amazing the industry is and the complexity of a video game as a piece of entertainment. Also how powerful and influential they can be.

And as I said before, now I can’t see myself switching industries. The people in the gaming industry are truly the kindest people, in my experience.

     Q. Let’s break this down into 3 parts! Part One, tell us a bit more about your work with Influencer Marketing and its role in mobile games advertising.

I really love working in Influencer Marketing. First of all, I get to watch YouTube for hours and call it a job. My job consist in exploring and discovering creators we believe our potential Bytro players, and current players, would like to watch. Then we reach out to them (directly or via an agency), and discuss how could we advertise our game in a way that makes sense for their content.

Bytro makes cross-platform games, so we advertise for both desktop and mobile at the same time.It is super interesting to see how in the majority of the US campaigns, the results are driven by mobile users, while in other GEOs the split is 50%-50% or less, favouring desktop.

     Q. Part Two, as a panelist on our growth cross-platform panel at Gamesforum Barcelona what will you be sharing from Bytro’s work in Midcore gaming?

Well, we actually consider Bytro games to be fully on the hard-core side. A match in the games can take weeks to play, the longest match we have on record lasted over a year!

It’s a long term strategy game too, so one makes a move and it takes a few hours for that move to complete. Having the possibility of playing cross-platform allowed the player to make the moves exactly when they need to without having to wait until they go home and long into their PC. Making the games cross-platform not only change the was our players engage with the game, but it changed our business completely.

   Q. Part Three, can you share some more about your Gamesforum Barcelona presentation: Adapting Play: Navigating the New Frontiers of In-Game Ad Monetization?

This is the perfect talk if you are contemplating on implementing rewarded ads inside your mobile game or if you want to learn best practices. I’ll be telling the story on how we started the implementation, A/B testing, the mistakes we made, and how are we doing now.

     Q. What are you most excited about in heading to Barcelona?

I haven’t been here in over 15 years, so I’m basically discovering it for the first time. I am the most excited for the food, the people and getting to speak my mother tongue for a change.

     Q. Finally, hypothetically every time you walk into a room a song plays. What song plays for you and why?

I like to think I bring some warmth and optimism wherever I go (maybe it’s just delusion), so I’ll go with Here Comes the Sun from The Beatles. Also because the German winter really makes me miss the sunshine.


You can hear more from Cecilia and a host of other speakers at Gamesforum Barcelona, February 7th & 8th! 


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