Gamesforum Meets: Akshit Desai, CSO at iion

Gamesforum Meets: Akshit Desai, CSO at iion image
By Josh Vowles 22 May 2024

Akshit Desai from iion joined Josh to discuss the move to bidding, the role publishers can play in bringing brands ads to publishers and what to look forward to at Gamesforum Hamburg!

Josh: Hey Akshit! Thanks for joining me. Can you briefly introduce yourself?

Sure, my name is Akshit, and I am the Chief Supply Officer (CSO) at iion.

Josh: How did you come to work in mobile gaming?

I was in adtech and worked for a large SSP when I met the founders of iion. As I learned more about their vision to bring brands into gaming, it was a journey I knew I had to be a part of. I used to be an avid gamer when I was younger, but lost touch. When I saw the evolution of the sector, the opportunity seemed too exciting to pass up.

Josh: Tell us a bit more about iion?

iion has been in adtech for a while and focused exclusively on gaming for the last four years. iion’s mission is to get brands to spend more on gaming while consistently delivering successful campaigns across all gaming environments, whether mobile, desktop, or console.

To achieve this, we developed a proprietary platform that allows agencies and brands to easily run campaigns across all game environments, as mentioned above. We are headquartered in Australia, but our team is spread across APAC and Europe.

Josh: Let’s first talk about the move to real time bidding. How are companies, both publishers and service providers bouncing back from the loss of waterfalls?

Well, I don’t think we have lost the waterfall just yet. 😊 We certainly see that bidding is taking up more of a percentage of the revenue; however, this has been the case for a while. Waterfalls still have a place, and many monetization managers I speak to still see Waterfalls as an important component of their strategy.

However, it's evident that Waterfalls are becoming leaner, and publishers are choosing to work with strategic partners who can add unique value. At iion, our value proposition is all about brand spends, and we believe we fit the mould. Eventually, what matters is that demand, bidding, and waterfall are just different ways to buy inventory.

Josh: I want to get your take on the state of brand integration in mobile gaming. So a two-part question:

a. How are brand ads helping publishers reach new revenue potential?

We see brand ads as a new source of revenue for the ecosystem, given that the space has been dominated by performance budgets for the longest time. For example, for us, it is more about positioning gaming as a channel than social or CTV. As a result, it helps publishers boost fill rates and place high-quality ads. We also see it leading to innovation as publishers customise their games to enable brand experiences and embrace new formats like in-game ads - audio and display.

b. What impact can be seen on the user LTV and retention side?

Based on what our publisher partners tell us, an increase in brand ads certainly boosts LTV and retention. Given that brands are more focused on awareness than installs, there is no need to take the user out of the game. However, my feeling is that we are still at the start of brands entering gaming, and this impact will likely compound over time.

Josh: What needs to be done to bring more brands into the world of mobile gaming?

I have worked in adtech for close to a decade, and no matter the medium, it ultimately always comes down to the fact that content is king. Basically, as the industry keeps making more kick-ass games, it will continue to attract wider audiences, and brands will have to enter. Hence, I love that more companies are creating hybrid casual games.

From our end, it's about educating the agencies and brands about the scope of gaming as a channel and enabling them to spend effectively. This is why we built a specialised platform that focuses entirely on gaming—to provide the tools they need to spend. We allow brands to access all gaming environments in one place, and when they see the opportunities to reach audiences across different gaming environments, they are excited.

For example, game mods or streaming may spark initial interest, but it is easy to funnel the spending to mobile games, where they can reach the same audiences.

Josh: As for the wider ad monetization space, what are the defining challenges for your publishing partners?

As we all know, acquiring and retaining users is becoming increasingly expensive.

People are busier than ever, so you naturally compete for the users' time across different entertainment channels.

At the same time, we are seeing CPMs consolidating. As a result, we are seeing publishers become a lot more strategic in their monetisation strategy. Working with trusted partners in a consultative manner is the need of the hour.

Josh: Great to have you joining us in Gamesforum Hamburg! What are you most excited for at the event?

Number one is always to meet colleagues and friends at the event. Secondly, it's the panels. They do provide wonderful insights into the current industry trends. Finally, I am looking forward to the views at the new venue this time.

Josh: And for the city itself, having joined us last year, what advice do you have for our new attendees?

Definitely to walk around the marina if the weather is good. I enjoyed that.

Secondly, take the recommendations of the local guys. They know their stuff. I think I gained quite a few pounds last year.

Josh: Thanks Akshit for your time and insight on iion! 


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