Felix Braberg on how working for ad networks shared his approach to ad mon

Felix Braberg on how working for ad networks shared his approach to ad mon image
By John Speakman 11 January 2022

In the first Faces behind to Fun of 2022, we chat to Felix Braberg, Director of Ad Monetization at N3TWORK - A Publishing Platform for Game Makers, by Game Makerson his life at N3twork, what makes him tick and how his experience with DSPs and Adnetworks shapes his approach towards mobile games ad monetisation.

Felix Braberg, tell us about yourself and your role at N3twork?

I'm the Director of Ad Monetization at N3twork inc. I look after the admonitization for N3tworks first party and third party games. 

Are you an AM or PM person?

Early Morning and late night person - afternoons are the hardest for me. 

What does a typical work day for Felix, look like?

First I start by briefly looking across all games to see if anything looks off. If all looks well I focus on one or two games with a waterfall setup to see if there's any optimisations to be made. I usually also have a call with an ad network partner and if so I prepare for the call so it can be productive.

How did you first get into the mobile games industry?

I accidentally fell into it (like almost everyone) after my own company failed. 

Before joining N3tworik you worked with several ad networks and DSPs, how do you think that has shaped your approach to admon?

It has shaped my approach massively. In order to be successful on the publisher side in admon you need to understand how DSPs and Ad networks make their money. It's only after you understand this that you can start to be really efficient in your admon role.  

What’s the biggest ad monetisation trend you think we’ll see in 2022?

Bidders and market consolidation. I expect that more things will be automated and the admon manager role will shift from waterfall optimization to game placement optimization and partnership management. 

Barcelona will be your second Gamesforum, what are you looking forward to most about attending?

The conversations that come right after talks for sure! I was impressed by the level of understanding and depth that other attendees had last year! 

What’s your favourite mobile game right now?

Castle Creeps by Outplay 

What’s your favourite thing about living in Berlin?

The energy of the Berlin summer for sure! In winter it's sometimes hard to find a favorite thing about living in Berlin. 

Hear more from Felix at Gamesforum Barcelona on February 10th. Tickets are available here


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