Falling in Love with Algorithms - Claudia Trujillo

Falling in Love with Algorithms - Claudia Trujillo image
By Guest Author 11 January 2024

In this piece, Gameloft’s ASO Expert, Claudia Trulijo examines the ABCs of how algorithms cover communication insights learned by Marketing experts on a day-to-day basis.

Written by Claudia Trujillo, ASO Expert at Gameloft


Back in 2011 I was fresh in the Marketing industry. At this stage, a client I was working with as a freelancer had the need of creating ads on social media, which was really beginning to thrive at this point. This  is when I started to learn the importance of managing Paid Campaigns,  and how algorithms interact with the paid and organic content we see regularly on social media. That was my entry window to working on Search Engine Marketing.


In 2015, I earned an MBA in Business Management and Administration. Through this, I gained a deep understanding of SEO and began to click this sector of Marketing in a detailed and intricate level. As time progressed, I further expanded my expertise into the realm of ASO. Possessing proficiency in both paid and organic algorithms across diverse platforms and networks has allowed me to navigate various Marketing landscapes - especially throughout the games industry. This multifaceted skill set not only opens doors but also provides a comprehensive understanding of marketing dynamics at different levels.


How do algorithms dominate the gaming industry?


Understanding the intricacies of diverse algorithms employed by both paid and organic strategies, spanning across various social media platforms and search engines, significantly facilitates the comprehension of the mechanisms governing different game stores. Looking with a Marketing perspective, algorithms can help departments across the industry in a multitude of ways, from player retention strategies to personalisation and the optimisation of ad creatives.


At Gameloft, our engagement with multiple game stores and publishing platforms exposes us to a spectrum of algorithms, each grounded in the principles of search engine indexing and authority valuation. This diversity in algorithms forms the foundation for varying degrees of visibility. A nuanced comprehension of how paid and organic algorithms interact proves invaluable in anticipating the outcomes of marketing strategies.


The daily routine of an ASO team member at Gameloft involves navigating a saturated market across a range of platforms and countries. With a vast portfolio featuring lots of great titles and catering to diverse target audiences, understanding the nuances of algorithms specific to each store and market becomes a crucial component for crafting effective marketing plans.


In order to maintain motivation and stay on top of the impact on product visibility, I advocate for embracing data analysis for both paid and organic strategies. Stepping into the realm of data analysis allows you to harness the full potential of your marketing strategy, ultimately leading to enhanced results. Don't shy away from the unknown; instead, leverage it to excel in your marketing endeavours.


You can hear Claudia’s talk on ‘Organic Visibility: How to Fine-tune Featuring Strategy” on Day 1 of Gamesforum Barcelona, which will be taking place from the 7th-8th February 2024 at the Spanish city’s Intercontinental Hotel in the.


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