Gamesforum Meets: Ezgi Dogan, Ad Monetization Consultant, Spark Networks

Gamesforum Meets: Ezgi Dogan, Ad Monetization Consultant, Spark Networks image
By Josh Vowles 19 April 2024

Q. Hi Ezgi, thanks for joining me. Can you quickly introduce yourself?

A. My pleasure, Josh! I'm Ezgi, and I've been in the monetization space for over five years now. I work as an ad monetization consultant, specialize in helping publishers from various verticals to step-up their ad monetization revenues. But, I am also a product person which allows me to view monetization through the players' eyes—a perspective I find crucial in our industry.

Outside of my professional life, I am a nature enthusiast who loves being outdoors. I especially cherish living in our van with my family whenever we can—and, of course, with my best friends Bobby, the dog and Indiko, the cat.

Q. What is your go to mobile game?

A. I've always loved hidden object games, dating back to my childhood. One of my favorites is actually a hidden object mini-game inside Two Dots. The art there is absolutely fascinating!

And I must mention, I absolutely love 'Brawl Stars’, it is a contrast with its energetic and competitive gameplay, but it's equally captivating.

Q. How did you start working in mobile games ad monetization?

A. I originally studied engineering, which led me to discover mobile app monetization quite by chance—and I loved it! Probably because of my impatient nature, seeing the impact of your changes in a couple of hours kept me very motivated everyday. But then, I realized monetization is often seen as a necessary but forced part of creating products, which can clash with creativity. But in the gaming industry, monetization integrates seamlessly with product design. It’s not just a necessity—it's a part of the fun and creativity of game development. This sparked my passion for the mobile gaming sector, and it’s exactly why I'm here today!"

Q. Talk to us about the mobile advertising landscape in 2024, what is currently defining ad monetization?

A. In 2024, the mobile advertising landscape is fundamentally shaped by user privacy and personalization, actually following 2023. With stricter data privacy laws, the challenge has been to maintain effective targeting and personalization in ads, which has undeniable effect on ad monetization side of the dice.This shift has a direct impact on CPM levels and making it crucial to craft personalized ad experiences that not only respect user preferences but also maximize their lifetime value (LTV).

Q. Taking a look outside the world of gaming, talk to us about IAA best practices in dating apps from your work with Spark Networks?

A. In the dating app world, things operate quite differently from the gaming sector. The dating industry primarily leans on a subscription model, which tends to result in fewer users but higher lifetime value per user. The real challenge, though, lies in enhancing user engagement—after all, the more active users there are, the more valuable the service becomes since the connections themselves are the product.

As a result, we're increasingly moving towards a freemium model, where in-app advertising and in-app purchases play crucial roles. While rewarded ads are not traditionally common in dating apps, they present an untapped opportunity. Rewarded ads can encourage users to simply try premium features, ending up reducing churn by demonstrating the app's value before they commit.

Another key strategy involves tailoring ad experiences based on individuals’ tolerance to ads. Ads can be a dealbreaker for some, leading them to abandon the app, whereas others might not find them disruptive. Understanding this tolerance and customizing ad density accordingly can significantly enhance retention and ARPU.

Q. What do you see as being the biggest challenge for ad monetization in 2024?

A. With the pace of change in our industry, where major players frequently announce significant decisions , the biggest challenge I see is maintaining flexibility and adaptability to keep our businesses stable during these shifts. That’s why I believe 'diversity' in ad monetization strategies is more crucial than ever. It’s important not to rely solely on specific ad networks or ad types. Instead, ensuring that our products feature a diverse mix of monetization strategies, including both ads and in-app purchases, is key.

Q. As a moderator at Gamesforum Hamburg, what can our audience expect to hear on mobile games ad monetization?

A. Our panel will engage in deep discussions about the day-to-day challenges we face in ad monetization, complete with real-life strategies to overcome them to share what has worked and not worked for us. Also, we’ll explore effective methods for optimizing waterfalls as the industry shifts strongly towards bidding, discuss the importance of diversifying monetization setups, and examine how to navigate the constantly evolving regulatory landscape. It promises to be an enlightening session filled with actionable insights, already looking forward to it!

Q. Final question, what are you most excited for about visiting Hamburg?

A. Hamburg is one of my favorite cities in Germany, right after Berlin! It has such a nice and unique vibe, making it quite special. And, I can't wait to take a walk around the harbor of course!

You can hear more from Ezgi at Gamesforum Hamburg!


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