Community Spotlight: Faheem Saiyad on shaping the future of mobile app growth

Community Spotlight: Faheem Saiyad on shaping the future of mobile app growth  image
By Mariam Ahmad 16 September 2024

In our latest Community Spotlight, we sat down with Faheem Saiyad, Director of AppSamurai, to discuss strategies for the future of mobile app growth. Faheem stresses the significance of ongoing R&D investment as a key factor in advancing innovation within user acquisition and monetization efforts.

Saiyad also shared insights into AppSamurai's company vision, the evolving trends in mobile gaming, and the challenges they've faced along the way.


What is the long-term vision you have for AppSamurai, and how do you see the company evolving in the next 5 to 10 years?

AppSamurai’s goal has always been to be the trusted One-Stop-Shop platform for user acquisition & monetization. Our vision, mission & motto are all in parallel to this commitment of ours to be the needle mover in this crowded space of AdTech. We have been investing a lot into R&D for our flagship SDK “AppsPrize” which has been a game changer for publishers to reach higher eCPMs & ARPU. This increased engagement in return is valuable for all the casual & mid-core gaming advertisers, as the quality of users they acquire from these publishers is off the charts.

In the coming years, we will evolve & innovate as we have always done, to create game changing technologies for the AdTech ecosystem and position ourselves as the preferred partner of choice for app growth.

What are the most significant trends you’re currently observing in the mobile gaming and app development industries, and how is AppSamurai adapting to them?

The mobile gaming industry is seeing a boom in the exploration of rewarded channels for the US, with players preferring games with real-world rewards like coupons and checks. This trend shows how important user engagement and retention are since players are more likely to stick with games that offer tangible benefits. In response, AppSamurai offers its niche UA campaigns model, Rewarded Playtime to look beyond traditional channels and boost crucial metrics such as LTV, retention, and ROAS. We craft data-driven strategies to enhance mobile user acquisition, ensuring that our partners stay ahead in a highly competitive market.

What are the biggest challenges AppSamurai has faced in recent years, and how have you and your team worked to overcome them?

2020, during the Covid era was one of the most challenging times for companies of the modern day era. As a growing start up, back in 2020 AppSamurai pivoted into the mobile gaming industry by assisting gaming studios combat ad fraud in their acquisition campaigns. Mobile usage was at an all time high during this period, and hence advertisers/brands/games were taking full advantage of trying to keep their users engaged, and massive budgets were being spent. With this, came the issue of AdFraud for which AppSamurai was one of the key players in helping prevent it.

Over time, AppSamurai started investing in R&D for cleaner UA & rewarded channels that were not spammed by bots. As time went by, our flagship monetization portfolio AppsPrize came to light and changed the game. We immediately found our calling in this challenging time, and used this as a launching pad to put our name out there as a trustable partner of growth for advertisers & monetization.

How does AppSamurai foster innovation within the team, and can you share any recent innovative solutions or features that you’re particularly proud of?

As a team, AppSamurai encourages collaboration to solve challenges and develop forward-looking solutions. Our rewarded technologies have been enhanced in recent years, and that is something we are particularly proud of. We have developed a lightweight, easy-to-integrate rewarded playtime SDK that benefits advertisers and publishers alike.

Besides advancing rewarded technologies, we've also heavily focused on preventing Ad fraud, a major issue in the mobile industry. We have developed sophisticated alert systems that detect and prevent fraud in real-time, protecting our clients' advertising investments and reaching legitimate users. AppSamurai continues to innovate to provide effective, secure, and easy-to-use solutions that meet the evolving demands of AdTech.

In a competitive market, how does AppSamurai differentiate itself from other mobile marketing platforms? What unique value does it offer to its clients?

AppSamurai differentiates itself by providing access to alternative user acquisition channels that many other platforms do not offer. AppSamurai allows apps to reach users in more diverse and effective ways by providing models such as OEM and Rewarded Playtime, on top of its Programmatic DSP for branding & retargeting. With this approach, marketers can explore channels beyond the traditional ones, uncovering untapped markets and engaging users more meaningfully.

Can you share a success story where AppSamurai played a pivotal role in helping a client achieve significant growth or overcome a particular challenge?

One of our standout success stories is our partnership with TapNation, a popular mobile game publisher that was aiming to boost its user base and increase monetizing revenue by exploring new user acquisition channels. To help them achieve this, our expert growth consultants crafted an OEM strategy focused on App Discovery through partnerships with major device manufacturers.

As a key agency partner of Xiaomi and an exclusive partner with leading brands like Samsung, Oppo, and Vivo, AppSamurai provided TapNation with access to an extensive inventory. This allowed us to feature over five of TapNation's popular games, including titles like Thief Puzzle, Doll Dress, and UpColor, in prime locations such as the Recommended Apps Section, Xiaomi's GetApps, and the Vivo App Store. 

This strategic placement ensured ongoing visibility for TapNation's games across a vast number of Android devices, leading to the acquisition of 1.7 million loyal users and a 116% ROAS. The success of this campaign not only expanded TapNation’s user base but also significantly enhanced their monetization efforts.

What measurable impact have your top-performing campaigns had on app installs or user engagement for your clients? Can you provide specific metrics or case studies that highlight these successes?

One of our top-performing campaigns was with APPS, where the challenge was to drive higher playtime and increase in-app purchases (IAPs) for their mobile game Drill and Collect by targeting the right mobile gaming audience. To achieve this, APPS partnered with us to leverage the Rewarded Playtime model.

Again, our growth consultants devised various campaign strategies to help APPS reach its targets. These strategies focused on optimal CPA goals and precise demographic targeting, including gender and age. The campaign not only achieved a positive ROAS but also doubled level completion rates and significantly increased the D30 RR. The campaign's success was particularly evident in the achievement of a critical milestone within the game—completing Area 3. This level of completion is crucial as it unlocks additional content, offering a strategic opportunity to captivate players and sustain their interest.

Looking ahead, how do you envision the mobile app ecosystem evolving, and what role do you see AppSamurai playing in that future landscape?

As the mobile app ecosystem continues to grow, it will become even more dynamic and user-centric. As apps increasingly rely on AI and machine learning to tailor content, recommendations, and user journeys, we anticipate a continued shift toward personalized experiences. This will likely lead to more sophisticated user acquisition and retention strategies, where understanding individual user behavior and preferences becomes increasingly important.

In addition, we predict the rise of alternative channels to acquire users, particularly those that integrate seamlessly with a user's daily routine. For example, OEM & alternative app stores, along with other native discovery methods will play a larger role, helping apps reach users more organically. The best way for app developers to capitalize on these emerging channels is to diversify their UA strategies.

AppSamurai will keep up with the changing ecosystem by providing innovative solutions and access to new UA channels. Our goal is to make sure our clients can capitalize on the latest trends and technologies.

Are there any emerging technologies or platforms that you believe will significantly impact the mobile game industry, and how is AppSamurai preparing for these changes?

The mobile game ecosystem is likely to see continued growth in the use of rewarded models, as well as an increased emphasis on user retention and personalized experiences. As the industry evolves, AppSamurai will continue to lead the way in innovative user acquisition, helping developers and marketers stay ahead of the curve. Our vision is that mobile games will be more than just entertainment; they will also be a platform for meaningful interaction between users and real-world rewards. As the ever-changing landscape evolves, AppSamurai will be responsible for providing the tools and strategies needed to make this vision a reality for both advertisers & publishers.


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