Gamesforum Meets: Alexandra Trifonova, Senior Ads Monetization Manager, Hitapps

Gamesforum Meets: Alexandra Trifonova, Senior Ads Monetization Manager, Hitapps image
By Josh Vowles 25 April 2024

Q. Thanks for joining me Alexandra, can you introduce yourself?

A. Sure - I’m Alex, I head up monetization at Hitapps. We are pretty strong in the niche of word games and puzzles, as our apps have topped the charts in those categories in app stores.

For the past five years, I've been closely working with developers of casual and hyper-casual games. Ad monetization is far from straightforward and no simple task, especially if you're aiming for effectiveness.I specialize in crafting monetization blueprints that both enrich the user experience and maximize ARPDAU.

Q. Talk to us about your journey in gaming so far.

A. I entered the industry five years ago and immediately joined one of the top mobile companies, Gismart. There, I gained tremendous experience right from the start by diving into the monetization of a dozen casual projects. The experience was incredible and very multifaceted. When I was ready to move on, I transitioned to WannaPlay, where I managed a team of two monetizers and oversaw a mix of both publishing and in-house projects. For the last two years, I have been working at Hitapps as a casual games developer. Together with my team, we have established all the advertising monetization processes, fine-tuned our collaborations with partners and within the team, and are now ready to conquer new heights in hybrid monetization

Q. What is your go to mobile game?

A. Maybe it’s professional deformation, but I play so many games that they all blend into one for me. So my absolute favorite is our new hit - Picture Builder - it's just addictively engaging.

Q. How are you evaluating your monetization split between IAP, IAA and Subscription models?

A. Currently, the split is roughly 90/10 in favor of ad monetization, but we have significantly revamped our approaches and processes and are actively developing in-app monetization.

Q. How are you maximising revenue potential while ensuring a positive user experience?

A. Ad monetization is always about balancing the amount of ads with a positive user experience. We are always thinking ahead and want our users to return to our games again and again. Therefore, we strive to create the most gentle and considerate user interaction with ads. To achieve this, we continuously experiment with the quantity, duration, and quality of ads and content. We have set up extensive in-house analytics that allows us to track all possible metrics, both product and technical. We also collaborate with external services that help us maintain a high level of content in our apps.

Q. What advice do you have for knowing when to reevaluate existing partnerships, and what do you look for when searching for new partners?

A. Great question! As someone who regularly interacts with dozens of our partners and is always on the lookout for new ones, the issue of evaluating and reevaluating these relationships is particularly pressing.

When it comes to reassessing existing partnerships, here are the criteria I consider:

  • Performance Metrics: Regularly review outcomes against initial expectations and contractual obligations. If targets are consistently not met or exceeded, it might be time to reconsider the terms or reassess the partnership altogether.
  • Feedback and Communication: Take into account the quality and frequency of communication. Sometimes, we need quick responses from our partners, as every day or even hour could lead to significant financial or reputational consequences.
  • Innovation and Growth: The mobile industry is one of the fastest evolving, and we keep our finger on the pulse of all changes. We expect the same from our partners, hence we track how actively they propose improvements.
  • Strategic Alignment: Assess whether the partnership still aligns with your strategic goals. Market shifts, changes in business objectives, or partner behavior can alter priorities and necessitate a reassessment.

When searching for new partners, I follow the same principles but would add a couple of crucial points:

  • Reputation and Reliability: Research the partner's market reputation, stability, and reliability. Look at reviews, ask for references, and consider their industry presence.
  • Scalability: Determine whether a potential partner can scale operations to meet growing demands. This is crucial for expanding projects or entering new markets.

Q. What do you see as being the greatest challenge facing mobile games ad monetization in 2024?

A. I’ve been in the mobile market for five years, focusing on game monetization, and I can say that it only gets more challenging each year. This year, the main difficulties we, as monetizers, will face include:

  • The transition of most networks to bidding. Mediation is a black box that only gets darker with each change. This year, it seems to be closing completely, which practically means we are losing control levers over eCPM. Therefore, to succeed, we need to dive deeper into data, analysis, and segmentation.
  • The rules and norms for working with personal data and store policies will only become stricter - and this is undoubtedly something everyone should consider this year.

Q. As a speaker on our Gamesforum Ad Monetization panel in June, what can our audience expect to hear from you?

A. I see a great value in how the mobile market as a whole and the community of monetizers are growing and developing. That’s why I personally bring together my fellow monetizers, organize meetings and attend conferences. So, you can expect an open and honest conversation about ad monetization in 2024 from me (within the bounds of an NDA, of course😁). You can always get an answer—the key is to ask the right question😉.

You can hear more from Alexat Gamesforum Hamburg.


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