Gamesforum Meets: Wilfrid Obeng, CTO & Co-founder, Audiomob

Gamesforum Meets: Wilfrid Obeng, CTO & Co-founder, Audiomob image
By Josh Vowles 8 April 2024

Q. For those who may not know, can you introduce Audiomob?

A. Audiomob allows developers to monetise their mobile games and apps using audio ads which do not disrupt the user.

Q. Talk to us a bit more about the Audiomob teams, how and where are you growing?

A. Audiomob was originally founded in London, but we have expanded our presence to New York and Abu Dhabi, establishing offices in these global hubs to broaden our reach and better serve clients across different regions.

Q. Audiomob has seen great success since its inception, with innovations in technology patents and AI. What does Audiomob do to foster and maintain a high-performing, forward-thinking work environment?

A. When we introduced the concept of audio ads in games to the industry in 2020, we knew this would be the future as we are solving multiple pain points. People are in desperate need of better ad experiences and developers need to monetise the fun experiences they provide us. We maintain a forward-thinking work environment by constantly innovating, our engineering and R&D teams are focused on pushing the limits of audio-based content and protecting our IP with our granted patents.

Q. Wilfrid, as the CTO and co-founder can you outline your vision for Audiomob in 2024?

A. In 2024, our big plan is to team up with even more game developers and boost our ad coverage outside of Tier 1 geos. Excitingly, we've already locked in over 15 advertiser deals with agencies and resellers in Q1 alone!

Q. Can you share more about your recent work with brands, and bringing them into the mobile space? Specifically, what strategies or approaches do you employ to integrate brands into the mobile environment?

A. Brands are increasingly interested in entering the mobile gaming space, recognising its vast potential for reaching and engaging with audiences. This interest is exemplified by our partnerships with companies like Sony Music and Kinza Cola, who have used Audiomob to deliver their brand message seamlessly into mobile games and apps.

Q. Mobile app developers are now focusing more on building better user experiences, how does using audio ads support developers in doing this?

A. Users are growing tired of being interrupted by traditional ads. Audio ads offer a more seamless way to engage users, as they can be integrated into the background of mobile games without interrupting gameplay, providing a less intrusive and more enjoyable experience for the user.

Q. What kind of ROI are you seeing with companies adopting audio in their titles? Where are some of the key metrics you're seeing?

A. Developers are seeing significant ad revenue increases, ranging from 5% to 20%. This uplift showcases the value Audiomob brings to developers, allowing them to monetise without damaging retention.

Q. Great to have the Audiomob team joining us in Cyprus! What can our audience expect to hear from the team in Limassol?

A. You will get the scoop on cool ways to advertise in games without annoying interruptions. We will also share some insights on how audio ads perform and creative ways to make money while keeping players happy.

Q. Final question, what is the team most excited about while in Cyprus?

A. Being part of the inaugural Games Forum in Cyprus and connecting with the vibrant gaming community on the island.

You can hear more from Wilfrid and the Audiomob team at Gamesforum Cyprus! Be sure stop by there panel: Innovation in Ad Monetization at 12pm on April 11th.


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