Felix Braberg photo

Felix Braberg

2.5 Gamers

Felix is a mobile ad monetization specialist who helps mobile games reach their maximum ad revenue potential. In his 6 years in mobile gaming Felix has worked for DSPs, Ad Networks and Gaming Studios and helped over 35 mobile games earn more than $100 million in ad revenue. https://www.linkedin.com/in/felix-braberg-7a732b51/

Felix Braberg is speaking at the following sessions

Thursday 8 February | 11.30

The Gamesforum Ad Monetization Panel

Waterfall optimization, AB testing, mediation, testing new formats or experimenting with placements join our Ad Monetization panel as they run through their bast practices for making your ad revenue tick in the right direction. This is the bread and butter of Gamesforum!

Thursday 8 February | 15.00

Upgrade your Reward Strategy: How to engage players immersively

From non-intrusive in-game brand ad formats to rewarded play this session explores the latest innovations and thinking in the rewarded space to show how to achieve incremental monetization and improve retention by valuing a player’s time and incentivising specific behaviours in-game


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