Eric Tournie photo

Eric Tournie

Product Manager - Ad Monetization
Tactile Games

Eric Tournie Product Manager at Tactile working on Ad Monetisation. I'm part of a wonderful team made of developers, QA testers and data scientists! Together with the Games Teams we design, implement and test ads within our games to generate revenue while ensuring the best possible UX in our titles.

Eric Tournie is speaking at the following sessions

Thursday 8 February | 12.20

Fireside Chat: Ad Quality in 2024

Speak to any casual mobile gamer about mobile gaming and they will mention annoying ads, be it un-skippable videos, multiple clicks, fake exits or concerning creatives. So how do we tackle poor ad quality? What can be done to protect the user experience? Our panel will tackle just that! Join Ksenia, Eric and Rana as they share their experiences in pushing back bad ad quality.


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