Happy New Year from Gamesforum

Happy New Year from Gamesforum image
By Gamesforum Staff 1 January 2021

Looking back over the past 12 months the pace of change and adaption shown in the mobile games industry has been a source of pride and inspiration. At Gamesforum, the disruption from the pandemic resulted in the postponement of all our live events; like you we pivoted to a work from home normal and launched our Gamesforum Online Weekly Webinar series which over 1500 hundred of you attended last year.

After the shaken kaleidoscope feel of 2020, it’s great to be turning the page and heading into a much more promising 2021. Our goal for 2021 is to continue to offer industry leading opinion and expertise through our webinar program, ever-improving content and new offerings including our Gamesforum Spotlight series and a soon to be launched new digital meeting service.

And of course, like a distant light at the end of the tunnel, the promise of meeting the brilliant folks behind our incredible industry at live Gamesforum events.

Hope to see you all soon and here’s to the New Year.

By John Speakman, CEO of Gamesforum


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