Replai Unveils Groundbreaking AI Technology Redefining Mobile Gaming Advertising

Replai Unveils Groundbreaking AI Technology Redefining Mobile Gaming Advertising image
By Guest Author 13 February 2024

San Francisco, January 2024 - Replai, a leading Software as a Service (SaaS) company, has achieved a major industry milestone by launching a groundbreaking AI technology that aims to redefine mobile gaming advertising. Replai's new AI revolutionizes the way marketing videos are created, driving unprecedented effectiveness and speed in the gaming industry.

Replai has garnered significant attention and investment in recent years, with a total funding of $8 million. The company's platform, available at, processes over $5 billion of ad spend annually and is now working closely with major gaming companies worldwide to produce thousands of videos every month. This marks the first time that AI technology has been employed to automatically create marketing videos from data or text prompts, bringing an entirely new dimension to the gaming advertising landscape.

The core innovation of Replai's AI technology is its ability to generate videos based on a customer's existing ad-network accounts and the game itself. Utilizing advanced computer vision technology, Replai's AI interprets in-game data, reads tags, and dynamically produces video creatives in real time. Furthermore, it automatically launches these videos within ad campaigns, measures performance fatigue, and tailors creative iterations for different ad networks. This data-to-ads technique is driven by Replai's LLM (Learning Language Model), that interprets video tags and metrics’ data to output fresh and winning content.

Replai has also introduced a unique text-to-video prompts platform, allowing User Acquisition and Creative teams to initiate AI-driven changes to existing videos or create entirely new ones. This platform can even mimic competitors' styles, offering a powerful competitive advantage in the market.

João Vieira da Costa, CEO at Replai, shared his thoughts on this breakthrough, stating:

  •  "Replai AI creation is a natural step that follows from the video intelligence platform, expertise, and data models that we've invested in for years.”
  •  “We were surprised when we put the creation product in the hands of early adopters - the empowering effect is real and is supercharging professionals like we've never seen in over a decade of the industry. We saw prompts being made after midnight by creative and non-creative people” “We know the market is big, and many competitors will surely come. At Replai, we try to create an edge with the levels of data we already process into insights for many years, together with a genuine love for helping the individuals we have the pleasure to call customers."
  • This revolutionary AI technology is poised to transform the gaming industry's marketing landscape, enhancing creativity, efficiency, and most of all: performance for gaming companies worldwide. The CEO João Vieira da Costa adds that “Our ultimate goal is to contribute to a world where mobile gaming is at the epicenter of gaming experiences and gets the recognition it deserves”. Replai's commitment to innovation and customer-centric solutions positions it as a leader in this dynamic and competitive industry.


About Replai

Founded in 2019, Replai is a pioneer in the world of creative insights in mobile gaming advertising. With over $8 million in total funding, Replai’s AI-driven platform automatically analyzes and creates marketing videos from ad-network data, product content and text prompts. Leveraging advanced computer vision recognition and AI models technology, Replai addresses the longstanding challenge of video performance optimization, maximizing growth, and building efficient marketing machines. Replai partners with global brands worldwide, with a long-standing commitment to innovation and customer-centric solutions. Based in San Francisco, London, and Porto, Replai is a privately-held, venture-backed company, with offices in London and Porto.

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