Gamesforum Meets: Arseny Lebedev, CEO & Co-Founder, Original Games

Gamesforum Meets: Arseny Lebedev, CEO & Co-Founder, Original Games image
By John Speakman 23 January 2024

Hey Arseny! Thanks for joining us. Can you share more about who you are and what you do!

Absolutely, and thank you for having me. I am the Co-Founder and CEO of Original Games, a company dedicated to creating engaging mobile gaming experiences.

How did you start your career in mobile gaming?

My journey began in an agency where I worked with big publishers like Disney, Activision, and Zynga. Early in my career, I had the opportunity to speak at a conference. Despite being a junior, the audience received my insights well, and that experience really solidified my love for the mobile gaming industry.

What led you to found Original Games?

I've always been passionate about stories and games. Founding Original Games was a natural step for me to blend these interests and bring unique gaming experiences to life.

What advice would you have for anyone reading who may want to found their own mobile games studio?

Firstly, it's crucial to have reliable partners. Scaling and hiring should be done judiciously – only when necessary, as premature expansion can strain your finances. In today's gaming industry, fiscal responsibility is key for long-term survival. Also, if you're seeking investors, understand their expectations. Many gaming VCs aim for studios that can deliver significant 10x returns. Be realistic about what your game and product can achieve.

We have previously talked about your love for Live Ops, how do you think companies should be utilising live ops in their mobile games roadmap?

Live Ops is vital for maintaining and extending player engagement. It's crucial for building long-term relationships with players, enhancing lifetime value, and profitability. Companies should use Live Ops to retain their player base, especially as it starts to mature. Understanding your global player base – their locations, interests, and cultural events – is essential for successful Live Ops.

Bridging the space between Hyper and Casual gaming, would you categorise Original Games as a Hybrid Casual company?

We primarily see our games as casual. We believe in the approach of creating games that are easy to pause and return to, unlike midcore games our products can be put down and picked back up with ease and without a learning curve. Our focus is on light story-driven, logical puzzle games that offer depth without overwhelming complexity. We're introducing features like the new Albums in MergeInn, which might add a hybrid-casual element for our casual players.

What do you see as the greatest challenges facing mobile games monetization and growth in 2024?

The landscape in 2024 seems to be a continuation of 2023, marked by economic, political, and societal parallels. The focus will likely be on 'alternative' approaches – be it in app stores, payment methods, or even metaverse concepts. We anticipate a resurgence in mergers and acquisitions, though not quite at the levels seen in 2020. Also, the top grossing mobile games are likely to remain consistent with those of the previous year.

What can our audience expect to hear from you at Gamesforum Barcelona as a part of our Unfiltered Panel?

Those familiar with me know that I don't shy away from expressing my views. At Gamesforum Barcelona, you can expect candid insights and perhaps some bold predictions about the future of mobile gaming. I'm looking forward to engaging in unfiltered discussions and sharing my experiences and perspectives on where the industry is headed. It's going to be an exciting and thought-provoking session, so I encourage everyone to join and participate in the dialogue.

A song plays every time you walk into a room, what song plays for you and why?

Luxury Elite - Action Sequence

The perfect song to walk wide to.


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