Gamesforum Meets: Fiona Lauredi, UA & Marketability Consultant

Gamesforum Meets: Fiona Lauredi, UA & Marketability Consultant image
By Josh Vowles 30 January 2024

Q. Hi Fiona! Introduce yourself, who are you and what do you do?

I am a marketing and UA professional with 10 years of experience in UA specifically in the gaming industry. I fell in love with UA first but gaming eventually won me over.

Q. Talk to us about your career in mobile so far!

I started in as an account manager in an adnetwork, working with every possible vertical. I really wanted to see the whole spectrum, and there I moved to the client side at Ubisoft as a marketing and UA manager. I did go to work for Voodoo in 2019 where I learned a huge amount of knowledge and skills with one of the best team someone can think about. We often say working at Voodoo should be accounted in dog years, as time & experience there is intense. As I wanted to be a manager I move to Gameloft  where I took over the casual studios as a team lead. I grew the team from 4 to 13 people, creating the marketability department and eventually I got promoted Director. I had the chance there to oversee the launch of the first crossplatform games, and to see if our learnings in mobile could port to PC/console… spoiler alert, they can !

Q. Talk to us a bit more about how you came to branch out on your own as a consultant?

I felt that I wasn’t impacting the day to day as much as I wanted, and I decided to branch out.

Q. I wanted to touch on your work establishing game Marketability as a core of UA. Can you share with us the core of what it means to have a marketable title?

In a world where new mobile games are more and more reliant on UA, with bigger and more important budget it becomes harder to find the right CPI / LTV balance. Marketability is essentially fine tuning the feel of a gameplay in order to increase the potential user base with the help of media. In essence based on a great product we make adjustments so it has inherently more chances of convincing a bigger audience.

Q. Why do you think cross-platform and multi-platform is becoming more popular amongst publishers?

Once the COVID induced gaming heaven has ended, with the rise of privacy centric policy from the stores, mobile developers have needed to find new pockets of growth. In parallel multiple PC/Console games have shown amazing success with free to play models. I think the combination of these two factors is pushing mobile game developers to go Xplatform. It is a new distribution channel and gamers seem ready for it.

Q. What can our attendees expect to hear from you at Gamesforum Barcelona?

A lot of advice and past experiences on marketability, UA, creatives and automation. I’m always happy to share J!

Q. Final questions, you are stuck on a desert island with one song and one book, what book and song are you taking?

If I only had to take 1 book, it’d be “La nuit des enfants rois” Bernard Lenteric,  I don’t think its ever been translated, but there’s an animation movie after the book called “the prodigies”. An amazing journey in the rise of technology, following 7 gifted children and the complexity of humans in a world they don’t seem to fully comprehend. It is a the corner of a thriller and science fiction.

And for the music “intro” from The XX

You can hear more from Fiona at Gamesforum Barcelona!


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